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Basket Weaving a Trellis

Basket Weaving a Trellis Last year my husband stuck a few sticks into two of my deck planters and suggested that it would make a cool place for a basket weave trellis. Great idea! A self-supporting trellis. It came out so great that I’m going to repeat it annually. Here’s how I did mine. Lay […]

Hyacinth Bean Vines weaving their way up the wall

Hyacinth Bean Vines weaving their way up the wall Here’s are the photos I promised of the hyacinth bean vines climbing up the grey plastic (nearly invisible) mesh wall. This mesh is reusable from year to year. The brilliant blossoms and pods make the seeds worth looking for. You only have to buy them once. […]

Heirloom Chair Seat Repair

Heirloom Chair Seat Repair Yesterday’s newspaper had an article bemoaning the fact that so many items being sold today have the misnomer “heirloom” in their name or description- whether they deserve it or not. Wikipedia says “In popular usage, a heirloom is something, perhaps an antique or some kind of jewelry, that has been passed […]

The Worn Wicker Chairs

The Worn Wicker Chairs A pair of pressed-backed chairs with oak spindles faced the wood-fueled cook stove in my grandparents kitchen on the farm, one on each side of the washstand. From my seat here in the summer, I could look over my shoulder through the kitchen window where I saw two white wicker chairs […]

Free Cane Webbing Instructions

Maybe you have a rocking chair like the one below. Maybe it was your grandma’s, and it’s been sitting in the attic since 1946. Except that the seat in your cane webbing chair is broken through from the time your cousin Timmy stood on it to get down the cookie jar. Which broke. The cane […]